Mainframe were commissioned by Pratt & Whitney to design a film promoting their GTF engine. Bookended between their long standing heritage and future ambitions we showcased many of the Geared Turbofan's attributes and benefits.

Set within a cavernous space reminiscent of both an art gallery and an aircraft hangar we conceived an environment focused on a huge video wall serving as both a surface to present many of the facts, figures and footage required and as a light source for the space.

Everything was created in-house at Mainframe North with Autodesk Maya as the primary 3D application. MASH was also used extensively to animate and control the numerous individual parts of the engine's turbines and fans. All texturing and shading was completed in V-Ray and rendered via V-Ray Cloud with compositing in Adobe After Effects.

We called in new kid on the block Cavalry to help with creating the content for the video wall. Its procedural workflows, data capabilities and real-time playback were a breath of fresh air for this project.

Disclaimer - Cavalry was born at Mainframe North so we are slightly biased!




The bespoke on-screen graphics became a heavy part of the production process and were made easier by using Cavalry. The graphics were designed, built and animated in Cavalry and then, where appropriate, linked to data which we gave Pratt & Whitney direct access to. With our client in control of their information, less handling of data as it travelled along our pipeline meant less room for error ;)
Animation was connected to Google Sheets data in Cavalry which could then be checked or edited and signed off by the client well in advance of sending any final renders back for approval.

Direction/ Animation/ Production/ Rendering: Mainframe North
Audio: Nice Sound
Voice Over: Scott William
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